Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year

So... This blogging thing is more intimidating than I first imagined. Not only do I need something worthy of a post, but I need to illustrate it--via words or pictures or song--in such a way that it is entertaining to the viewer. As if I'm not easily overwhelm-able as it is.

With that in mind (and because I don't want to mess this up by polluting an innocent post with my verbiage), I simply offer to you this short film which I recently completed. It is a project that I had in mind for a while and, much like this blog, finally mustered up the energy (and attention) complete. My main goal was to provide a sort of "video resume" to essentially showcase what I can offer in the vein of video production. I don't think it is the best thing I have ever done--or ever will do--but I feel it is a fairly good representation of my writing, directing, editing, acting, camera work, musicality, and creativity.

Enjoy it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The longest journey begins with one step

My name is Bennett Gillespie.

I am a perpetual Jack of All Trades who has finally caved-in to the spoils of maturation; I have at last succumbed to the ever-pressing obligation to do some thing productive with my self. For years I have been shunning the responsibilities that lie within creative abilities. Whether it was because of fear, laziness, or a lack of confidence, I have not been living up to my end of the bargain here on Earth. But that all changes now. This means I get to feel useful and you get to be entertained.

Though I graduated from college a couple of years ago, I have no "grown-up" job. I do some video editing and sell things I steal on eBay sometimes, but nothing "steady". I survive for the sole reason that my God-send of a girlfriend (don't read that out aloud or you'll realize it rhymes and become irritated) works--hard--to allow me to focus on creative outlets like acting, music, photography, and writing.

Now right here is where I personally would have stopped reading, considering how one of my least favorite activities imaginable is listening to some "artist" talk about "their art" or how funny they are or how well they can sing. You're funny? Say something funny then. One of the best things I learned while studying journalism was the phrase "Show, don't tell"--a mantra that essentially reiterates the common adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words".

Whether I am an artist or a poet or a musician or a photographer or a male escort, the last thing I hope to be caught doing is "telling" "people" about what I am capable of. (This is undoubtedly one of a number of reasons that I don't have a job; that is all a resume is, right?)

So with that in mind, you should know that I intend for this blog to be based on creative arts--though sometimes I suppose you'll catch me simply voicing some sort of social commentary in an artistic way. Like I said; if you feel entertained and I feel productive, my goals have been met. (Realistic has trumped Ambitious in the goals department at this stage in my life).

Oh, Also--necessary that I bring this to the table--my saintly aforementioned girlfriend and her sisters regularly collaborate on a quiet, colorful little blog that is not only thought-provoking and serenely well delivered, but also a main inspiration for my this blog that you are reading. It has garnered some successes in indie craft communities but could be (should be) enjoyed by all. Their page is:

Well, I guess that's it for now as far as introductions are concerned. Let's get started?

I mean "started!"

We'll start off small here with a peaceful little patch of pictures that I snapped around Los Angeles (did I mention I live in L.A.? originally from Seattle. Please don't start...). I took them to serve as proof to those fickle folks back home who refuse to believe that the Southwest has "seasons" (though they will claim up and down that rain and cloud-cover 10 months out of the year--I'm being generous--is a vast diversity in climate).

I'll settle down.

Here are the pics. Nothing difficult here, just proof of autumn, which will only be around another week or so. Enjoy.